The Adventures of Steven and Ashley Hall

Monday, March 12, 2007


I don't know how they did it, but both our pups graduated from Intermediate Class tonight! In the class they learned heel, stand, standing stay, go to their bed when told, and touch. For their test they had to do a standing stay, go to their bed when told, and come when called with distractions. They did a lot better than I expected. They act a little better around each other, but they think it is play time 24/7. Today I took them both on a walk all by myself and they were both good. That shows you how improved their are! I never thought I could walk them both by myself. I am going to try to do this every night with them now that it is still daylight when we get home. So maybe they will improve a little more!

~*~ Ashley ~*~

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Guess who got a tattoo!?

Steven did! Since he has started training for the Denver Marathon, he has been complaining about his ring getting loose while sweating, and playing with it the whole time he runs. He was afraid during the actual marathon it would make his finger bleed. He had the idea to get my name tatooed under his ring, so when he took it off, he still had something to show for being married. A friend at church just has a ring tatooed on his finger, so he told Steve a few places to look into. I was home sick today, and Steve was late getting home. I called his cell phone and asked him why he was late, and he said "I had some things to do." I got kind of mad at him, because he wouldn't tell me what he had been doing. When he got home, I persisted on tellng me why he was late. He held up his finger with my name on it! I knew he wanted to do it, but didn't know he was going to do it today. It is a little bigger than we both envisioned, but looks really cool! The pictures don't really do it justice.

~*~ Ashley ~*~