The Adventures of Steven and Ashley Hall

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail Hopping Down the Bunny Trail...

The Easter Bunny was very good this year :)

And we colored eggs too!

My Awful Picture in the Newspaper

A few weeks ago the Stapleton Front Porch newspaper came to our work to do a little article about us moving into the city. I got picked to sit for a picture. Before you look at it, I have to explain the awful picture! I was REALLY tired that morning, and I begged Steve to let me stay home. He said no way I couldn't stay home just because I was tired. Then I cried, and I NEVER cry. That was how bad I wanted to stay home, but he still said no. So that was a horrible start to my day! Then it was around 1:30 and I didn't have time to have lunch yet, and I was going to do a 5 minute thing on the computer, then eat. So I sit down and the photojournalist comes and wants to use me in the "big picture." You can't tell in the photo, but my face is about 5 inches away from the computer, and my head is turned at a 45 degree angle. He said he knew it was uncomfortable, but would look good in the photo. I don't look good, but at least I don't look like my face is practically touching the screen! I then had to hold this perfect pose for an hour and a half while he got all the lighting right. I thought my neck was going to break. He joked saying there was a chiropractor on the first floor if I needed it, but I didn't find it very funny. So I finally had lunch around 3:00 that day. So THAT is why I look so mad in the picture :)