The Adventures of Steven and Ashley Hall

Monday, July 28, 2008

Quick Update 3:06 GMT

We no longer have an Infiniti G35x as of 7:00pm July 28, 2008!!!!

Another Prayer Request

Tonight we are taking the Infiniti G35x to a dealership that contacted me through craigslist about purchasing the car for a client. He sounds pretty serious and as long as he likes the car we could be done with it as soon as Wednesday.

This car has been an eye opener and a humbling experience. The moral of the story is I should listen to Ashley, and not be so materialistic.

Please pray that we get rid of this and can start paying off debt and putting something into baby savings.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Job Hunting

Of the 41 jobs I have applied for, I have my first interview this Wednesday at 5:30. My job title would be Professional Research Assistant, and I would be working in the Pathology Department of the University of Colorado. It would be very close to my house, so that would be really nice. I would be researching Prostate Cancer. I would try to stop the spreading of the cancer using plasmids, viruses, and other pharmacological agents. After a year of figuring out what works, I would try it out on mice that I give tumors. I know that is not nice, but sacrificing a few mice to save people is okay with me. Steve said "what did the mice ever do to you!" This is not a huge passion of mine, but sounds pretty interesting. I will take the job if it is a pay increase. One thing I am weary about, it is only a promised 2 year project (then the funding is cut) so there is no guarantee I would have a job come Spring 2010. Steve did point out that would be a perfect time frame for Nursing School. We will have to see if they like me on Wednesday!


Saturday, July 05, 2008

Saving the World, One Burning Field at a Time

Tonight at around 11:38 pm I took the dogs out to go potty one more time for the night. There is a big field across the street, and there were some people shooting off fireworks. I watched the fireworks while the dogs went. Tinkerbell pulled on the leash a little bit, and I turned around. As soon as I was looking away from the fireworks, I hear "FIRE! FIRE!" I turned back, and the grass in the field was on fire. It looked to be about 2 feet by 2 feet from where I was standing (maybe 100 yards away). I ran upstairs with the dogs and told Steve a fire just started to call 911. It took me maybe 10 seconds to go up the stairs, tell him, and go back down. By then the fire was about 20 feet by 20 feet, just in those few seconds. Another reminder to everyone that I live in the desert! In about 3 minutes the fire was huge. Steve came out with the camera, while talking to the 911 dispatcher. I took this picture: reference the Subaru Outback for size reference.

That car was full of teenagers. They ran around like crazy for a few minutes picking up fireworks and whatnot before they drove away. Steve being a detective, ran over to the scene of the crime with the camera and took a picture of their license plate before they left. They didn't even notice him since they were running around. I won't post the license plate for you, but the Denver Arson Investigator is coming to pick them up on Tuesday :) Steve is hoping for an honorary badge...ha ha.

When the fire truck got there, we let them put out most of the fire before we went up and told them we were the ones who called, and we had PICTURES of license plates. They laughed and said "wow you really zoomed in." We aren't sure if firefighters and police like when people try to help out, or if it annoys them. I will let my firefighter sister Dorian answer that question for us.

We heard the one firefighter calling in the scene, and he said there was about 400 feet by 50 feet of damage. It is just an open field, but it could have quickly spread to nearby houses. It is VERY dry here, and the wind was blowing pretty hard. This is the last picture we got before the firetruck arrived:

I doubt the kids will get in trouble since the land had no value (nothing was harmed but the grass) but I hope they get a little visit from the Arson Investigator to scare the crap out of them. Fireworks are totally illegal in Denver, not even allowed to have them in your house. They should have known the grass would catch on fire!