The Adventures of Steven and Ashley Hall

Monday, May 28, 2007

Bolder Boulder 10k

This is a picture of our friend Kris Williams. A photographer for the Daily Camera took a picture of her cool sign. We got the picture off the Daily Camera website. My head is to the right. She got lots of good comments about the sign, and people even told them their name to put on next year!

I dropped Steve off at the runner drop off around 6:20 am. He had written me directions to get to the part of the course I wanted to watch from. Of course every street I had to go on was closed! Some of the larger signs said road closed starting 7:00 am. Since it wasn't really 7:00 yet, I just drove around the road closed signs. Probably a bad idea, but all the cops I passed didn't say anything! I was literally the only car I saw on the roads! For 10 minutes it was just me! Then I got blocked into the closed parts and couldn't get around any of the barriers. I drove under the 8.5 km banner, and went to the nearest parking spot, which wasn't even a block away. I had wanted to be at the 8 km mark, but 8.5 was perfect. The way the course wrapped around, 2 km was at one corner, and 8.5 km was one block down on the same road. So I went to the 2 km first, but unfortunately I didn't see him run by that time. Each wave of runners (76 waves total) was anywhere from 45 seconds to 1 minute behind the other. So at the beginning there were just zillions of people running by and I missed him :(

After I was sure he had passed, I walked about 2 minutes to the 8.5 km mark and waited. The leader passed me at 7:28 am. Steve ran by at 7:32 am. I cheered for him when he ran by (so did Troy and Kris who luckily got there about 2 minutes before he ran by). I looked at my clock, and tried to calculate how much longer it would take him to finish, and I came up with about 10 minutes faster than his goal time. I was about right. His official time was 39:03, 9 minutes under what he wanted to run.

We hung around maybe 2 more hours cheering for some friends from church. We got home at 11:30 and took an hour and a half nap. Getting up at 4:30 for a race isn't very fun! At 2:30 we had friends over from church for a little cook out. It was a good day!

~*~ Ashley ~*~


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