The Adventures of Steven and Ashley Hall

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Thanks for the hats! It is nice when "Santa" comes unexpectedly. Every day when we get home from work, Steve opens the door and says "Did Santa come?" He did today! His is too big, of course, with his little head :) Mine is perfect though! I actually have had it on all night since I tried it on! I will probably wear it in the morning too! Since I don't dry my hair my head has been a little cold the last few mornings, but it isn't cold enough to wear my TurtleFur hat with the ear flaps. This one will be perfect! Sorry no pictures. We tried to take a picture of each of us in our hats, but we weren't being very photogenic at the time :)

In other news, I am on call this week. My first time in my two years of being at CGL. I get to have a pager from Tuesday until Monday. After hours or on weekends I may get paged by hospitals or doctors about patients and samples. During the week there aren't too many responsibilities. Just call back people who page and check the messages on the main phone line before I go to bed. Nothing during the week is critical enough to have to go into work. The weekend could be different however. I have to go in Sunday for at least an hour, but I could get paged and have to be there for longer. It is really scary, but people say nothing usually happens when you are on call. But we have all these procedures and stuff in case! I will tell you all how it goes! I really don't want to have to talk to any doctors! I know I will be like "Ummm..this is my first time on call I don't know what to do!"

~*~ Ashley ~*~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi you two,

Sorry about the hat not fitting Steven! I asked the lady at Yarnia for her advice, but I must need to make a child's hat. I will get on it, but not in time for elk hunting!

I am glad that yours fit, Ashley, and that you like it! Not bad for a newbie knitter if I say so myself! ; )

Hope it keeps you warm everyday you wear it,and I hope it misses you when you don't!


3:01 PM  

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