The Adventures of Steven and Ashley Hall

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Dog Days

This morning we took Lilliann to the Bark Park. It is an area of the park that is fenced in so you can let your dog off the leash. There were about thirty other dogs there, and she had a blast. The first 10 minutes she chased the other dogs around, and played with a tennis ball. The rest of the time she just laid down! There were four other boxers there today. It is really funny because they seem to know they are the same breed. They played together the whole time. Lilliann was really good with all the dogs and all the people. We were kind of worried she would be a handful, but she was perfect! It was only about 15 minutes away from our house, so we will probably take her there often.

This afternoon we went to visit our new puppy Tinkerbell. We get to finally bring her home next Friday! When we got there and were walking towards the puppy pen, ours came right up to the side and started wagging her tail like crazy. The other puppies kept biting us, so we took ours out to play with her. She wasn't as into us as she was last time, she just wanted to explore! We played with her for about an hour, then went to put her back. Boy did she not want to get in there! She was really sad when we walked away. If I would have been an emotional person, I probably would have cried the way she was looking at us walk away!

~*~ Ashley ~*~


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